Cautare Personalizata Ride4Life;


duminică, 19 ianuarie 2014

Bute, not a good comeback!

After almost two years of break after Froch, Bute moving to a higher category was disappointing . To win with Pascal was ideal and Bute , coach , club forced , but the result was not a win. Bute was on fire when holding belt of world champion and the bad guys in his category fight in tournaments with closed circuit promoted by Golden Boy Promotion and HBO without outsiders. After the super tournament end's , Bute had to box with one of these bad boys , not with the best of them , nor the worst , but it was enough Froch to put him in place. That of a talented boxer , but from the old school , of amateur est-european boxers. Maybe in 3-4 years to be back up there if Nemesis Froch probably going to retire , and a world belt will be also found . Meanwhile access to a world belt from his old class is prohibited the bad guys are good @ fighting, hence the increase in class , but here are some of other fears , she and Pascal avoid , preferring a rematch , if there are sponsors and the public for her. What I not understood from Bute , something I do not count out ! Why only increased a category , why not two , is still 1.93 tall . But more importantly, why, if increased in category and had two years to do that , why not work for muscle growth, and therefore force blows . In the match with JPP presented same thin figure, with fencer arms, without hard hits, the final round testifies , figure punches thrown at the opponent, zero effect . It remains to be seen how it will evolve Bute , in my opinion , as a fan, he must increase in weight , and muscle mass , force , and not rush , a match at 4-5 months with good boxers until he returns then and assault peaks . If Bute can , physically , and if Interbox has patience , resources , etc. . Otherwise, as a footnote , I would get rid of Obreja, does not add value , and talks a lot in his name as one of the staff hmm .......

Bute pe o panta descendenta

Dupa aproape 2 ani de pauza, de la lupta cu Froch, si trecerea la o categorie superioara Bute a dezamagit. Un meci castigator cu Pascal era ideal, si Bute, antrenorul, clubul au fortat, dar rezultatul nu a fost pe masura. Bute a fost pe val atunci cand detinea centura de campion mondial, iar baietii rai din categoria sa se duelau in turnee cu circuit inchis, promovate de HBO si de Golden Boy Promotion, fara sa aiba timp de outsideri. Dupa terminarea turneului super campionilor, Bute a trebuit sa boxeze cu unul din acesti bad boys, nu a boxat cu cel mai bun dintre ei, nici cu cel mai prost, dar a fost suficient Froch pentru a-l pune la locul sau. Acela de boxer talentat, dar prea de scoala veche, la care cariera de amator se vede. Poate in 3-4 ani sa revina acolo sus, Nemesisul sau si al lui Pascal probabil o sa se retraga, si o centura mondiala se mai gaseste. Intre timp accesul la o centura mondiala la vechea sa categorie este interzis, baietii rai sunt si buni, de aici cresterea in categorie, dar si aici sunt cativa de care si Pascal se teme si ii evita, preferand o revansa cu Bute, daca se gasesc sponsori si public pentru ea. Ce nu am inteles la Bute, ceva nu imi iese la socoteala! De ce a crescut numai o categorie, de ce nu doua, are totusi 1,93 innaltime. Dar mai ales, de ce, daca a crescut in categorie si a avut si doi ani la dispozitie de pauza, de ce nu a lucrat si pentru cresterea masei musculare, si in consecinta a fortei loviturilor. In meciul cu JPP a prezentat aceeiasi silueta subtire, cu brate de scrimeur, fara greutate pe lovituri, runda finala sta marturie, lovituri bune aruncate spre figura adversarului, efect zero. Ramane de vazut cum va evolua Bute, in opinia mea, de fan, trebuie sa creasca si in greutate, dar si in masa musculara, in forta, si sa nu se grabeasca, un meci la 4-5 luni cu boxeri buni pana isi revine, apoi iar asaltul piscurilor. Daca mai poate, fizic, si daca Interbox mai are rabdare, resurse etc. In rest, ca o nota de subsol, as scapa de Obreja, nu ii aduce plusvaloare, si mai si vorbeste foarte mult in numele lui, deh ca unul din staff.......