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vineri, 28 martie 2014

MA 370 and terorism.

I bet on a terorist involment on flight 370. Remember O.B.L. was buried in sea water and there is no public info about the site. Another motive why the plane went so far south i do not see. I hope the mister will be unveiled soon. Family deserve foreclosure.

Was Pistorius doped?

Acording to: Both men and women who take anabolic steroids may: Get acne Have an oily scalp and skin Get yellowing of the skin (jaundice) Become bald Have tendon rupture Have heart attacks Have an enlarged heart Develop significant risk of liver disease and liver cancer Have high levels of "bad" cholesterol Have mood swings Fly into rages Suffer delusions Read again last three effects. Sound familiar? And become bald, another effect. Pistorius fit some of that. I have heard about an body builder at my gym, 130-140 kg weight, participant at stronger man contest, who is afraid all the time that some bad persons are following him, that some thives will come in to his home and steal, when he is in the house. In his anxiety, he buy a gun (non lethal), have a sword in car, and about a month ago shoot in direction of two cops, who wannted to check him after a domestic dispute in public. Now is in jail and wait a trial. The anxiety and associate effects had apear at this guy after years of using steroids. Is a similar situstion with Pistorius, medical test discovered some conection with use of steriods, i d'ont heard, but seems posible.

sâmbătă, 22 martie 2014

Politiciana Facebook.

Multi politicieni, si nu numai, au prins gustul comunicarii prin internet. De la ardeiul usturator pana la vitriolice atacuri marca postare Facebook. E comod si se adreseaza fanilor din lista. Problema nu ar fi modul de comunicare, calitatea comunicarilor insa sufera. Atacul "fetei lui tata" la adresa celei mai active si, banuiesc, respectate politiciene romane din PE, m-a dezamagit. Respect realizarile politice ale tatalui, dar fica este departe, iar daca a uitat, a ajuns in PE pe spatele PDL, chiar daca de fatada a candidat independenta. A se compara cu Monica Macovei este o manifestare juvenila care nu ii aduce puncte electorale. Un mandat in Europa este deja prea mult pentru Eba, ar face bine sa se retraga in tara, se mai gasesc treburi de facut si pe aci. Prea multi politicieni demni de a ne reprezenta in PE nu sunt, din 35 daca merita locul cinci dintre ei este mult. Procedura de selectie in cadrul partidelor este controlata, iar modul de votare pe liste ajuta la aceasta. Alte tari au gasit solutii pentru a democratiza acest aspect, la noi, sigur, nu se vrea. Pozitionarea pe locurile eligibile este dictata de la centru, iar faptul ca te regasesti pe liste pe pozitiile de mana moarta, nu ajuta. Prea multi sunt trimisi in PE ca la Sanatoriul Ana Aslan, un fel de pensionare cu beneficii. Astept urmatoarele atacuri ale tinerei politiciene, nu cred ca i se va raspunde, asta ar fi dovada ca nu este bagata in seama, doar tatal conteaza in politica.