Europe is not sufficiently mobilized to combat the debt crisis. Britain is the next country that will hold the title of "big sick" of the global economic system. United States are under the sword of historical debt. Japan defends its economic fundamentals, but still stagnant. China seems to be the savior of contemporary economic system. But China's problems: low standard of living, depending on their export markets and slowing economies, make this difficult. Overall I see a global economic downturn, increased taxation and a decrease in welfare, globally.
miercuri, 30 noiembrie 2011
marți, 4 octombrie 2011
Razboiul lalelelor.
Incordare inutila de orgolii, aratare de bicepsi si bate de oina din partea autoritatilor romane drept raspuns la amanarea primirii in zona de libera circulatie Schengen. Laleaua prinsa in vama a pierdut, noi tot pe tusa suntem tinuti. Atitudinea razboinico-fanfaronada ne va costa insa in viitor, atunci cand Olanda ne va mai opri de la alte admiteri sau accederi.
Acum nu stiu daca Ikea se simte bine, nu de alta dar Nokia a plecat, iar finlandezii au decis si ei ca nu putem accede in Schengen.
Ce nu inteleg autoritatile noastre este ca nu cu Olanda sau Finlanda trebuie luptat, ci cu coruptie autohtona. Ce nu vor europenii mai vechi, este exportul acesteia sub diverse forme in Europa, din tarile noilor europeni.
Dar atunci cand Curtea Suprema albeste deputati si senatori si ii declara nevinovati de fapte care aduceau ani grei de puscarie in oricare alta tara europeana, reticenta de a fi admisi cu drepturi depline este usor de inteles.
Pana acum admiterile noastre au fost precum ale liceanului la facultate, mai o proptea, mai o fituica, mai o bariera laxa. Primirea in NATO a fost precedata de afaceri date celor cu drept de decizie, importuri in compensare, platite acum prin falimentul companiilor nationale prin care s-au derulat. Primirea in Europa a fost precedata de cedarea principalelor afaceri, bancile, petrolul, apa, gazele, energia si altele.
Acum cand tot ce ni se cere este sa ne curatam sistemul de coruptie si corupti, picam examenul. Oare Olanda nu vrea serele de la Codlea si sa ne mai lase cu cerintele politice!
Acum nu stiu daca Ikea se simte bine, nu de alta dar Nokia a plecat, iar finlandezii au decis si ei ca nu putem accede in Schengen.
Ce nu inteleg autoritatile noastre este ca nu cu Olanda sau Finlanda trebuie luptat, ci cu coruptie autohtona. Ce nu vor europenii mai vechi, este exportul acesteia sub diverse forme in Europa, din tarile noilor europeni.
Dar atunci cand Curtea Suprema albeste deputati si senatori si ii declara nevinovati de fapte care aduceau ani grei de puscarie in oricare alta tara europeana, reticenta de a fi admisi cu drepturi depline este usor de inteles.
Pana acum admiterile noastre au fost precum ale liceanului la facultate, mai o proptea, mai o fituica, mai o bariera laxa. Primirea in NATO a fost precedata de afaceri date celor cu drept de decizie, importuri in compensare, platite acum prin falimentul companiilor nationale prin care s-au derulat. Primirea in Europa a fost precedata de cedarea principalelor afaceri, bancile, petrolul, apa, gazele, energia si altele.
Acum cand tot ce ni se cere este sa ne curatam sistemul de coruptie si corupti, picam examenul. Oare Olanda nu vrea serele de la Codlea si sa ne mai lase cu cerintele politice!
sâmbătă, 9 iulie 2011
MARSILIA atacul trenului de marfa.
Scene demne de lumea a treia in Franta. Hold-up-ul trenului cu bani devine realitate in orasul francez Marsilia, unde in unul din cartiere afost atacat trenul de marfa. Semn de criza, acum vreo 20 de ani in timpul crizei din Argentina se mai intamplau scene similare, in care populatia disperata ataca si jefuia trenurile ce transportau carnea de vita argentiniana la export.
In atacul francez au fost folosite carucioare de supermarket, printre altele, pentru a bloca sinele de tren, exact cand era programat sa treaca un tren de pasageri. Oprirea acestuia a determinat si oprirea tintei trenul de marfa, ale carui vagoane au fost deschise si marfa facuta sa dispara. Data viitoare poate vor executa si o colecta de bani, ceasuri, bijuterii si carduri in trenul de pasageri, asa precum in Vestul Salbatic.
Atacuri similare au mai fost inregistrate , tot la Marsilia in urma cu 2 ani, la debutul crizei mondiale.
Interesant de remarcat cat de repede un popor civilizat, cel francez, a trecut la metode de subzistenta intalnite pana nu demult la un alt popor civilizat, cel roman.
Criza mondiala si saracia implicit adusa de aceasta "naste monstrii".
Au bientout.
In atacul francez au fost folosite carucioare de supermarket, printre altele, pentru a bloca sinele de tren, exact cand era programat sa treaca un tren de pasageri. Oprirea acestuia a determinat si oprirea tintei trenul de marfa, ale carui vagoane au fost deschise si marfa facuta sa dispara. Data viitoare poate vor executa si o colecta de bani, ceasuri, bijuterii si carduri in trenul de pasageri, asa precum in Vestul Salbatic.
Atacuri similare au mai fost inregistrate , tot la Marsilia in urma cu 2 ani, la debutul crizei mondiale.
Interesant de remarcat cat de repede un popor civilizat, cel francez, a trecut la metode de subzistenta intalnite pana nu demult la un alt popor civilizat, cel roman.
Criza mondiala si saracia implicit adusa de aceasta "naste monstrii".
Au bientout.
marți, 14 iunie 2011
Chicago - streets under attacks
In the last weeks, Chicago population was under attack. Flash Mob attacks, according to some stories, with the purpose of theft.
That is what i had read in the Chicago Tribune.
And i remembered about street children of 1970 from a south american country, so called "piranhas", who attack in gang, in day time and leaves the victims without nothing.
Their reason for theft was survival, childrens with age from 8 to 10 years old, without family, alone on the streets.
Sure, is not the case of the recent attacks, but there are some things in common.
As a CSI, Criminal Minds & other series fan, it was surprise that, not even one video from public and private cameras, had emerged in the police investigations.
Anyway, in Chicago Tribune such facts do not appear.
A story to be followed this summer.
That is what i had read in the Chicago Tribune.
And i remembered about street children of 1970 from a south american country, so called "piranhas", who attack in gang, in day time and leaves the victims without nothing.
Their reason for theft was survival, childrens with age from 8 to 10 years old, without family, alone on the streets.
Sure, is not the case of the recent attacks, but there are some things in common.
As a CSI, Criminal Minds & other series fan, it was surprise that, not even one video from public and private cameras, had emerged in the police investigations.
Anyway, in Chicago Tribune such facts do not appear.
A story to be followed this summer.
luni, 13 iunie 2011
Is there a hope for US?
Only bad things have emerged about the economic situation of United States.
I have noticed that Austan Goolsbee, Obama chief economic adviser, had quit his job and is going back to "school". Is this another sign that US economy is sinking further? Obama is still president and a hard year is coming. This resignation is, also, for me, a sign of failure of economic measures, that were taken in the last years.
The legacy what was received from the prior administration is hard to overcome.
Solutions, exists, but are hard to accept.
First, a rise in taxation, for people and for bussines.
Then, in the same time, a decrese of expenses. Political debate is active in US congres about this two measures.
But only that two, is not sufficient. From what I seen when I went to US, is a lot to do in reducing energy consumption at basic level. More efficient and smaller (in power) cars. More efficient heater systems. When you are a landlord and offer houses for rent you are not so interested in what the renter will paid. But is a lot of room to reduce heating costs and energy consumption. Heater systems that are used, in for rent houses and apartments, are tehnological old.
Solar power, wind power, natural gas, thermal energy are solutions not only for future, but also for now.
I have noticed that Austan Goolsbee, Obama chief economic adviser, had quit his job and is going back to "school". Is this another sign that US economy is sinking further? Obama is still president and a hard year is coming. This resignation is, also, for me, a sign of failure of economic measures, that were taken in the last years.
The legacy what was received from the prior administration is hard to overcome.
Solutions, exists, but are hard to accept.
First, a rise in taxation, for people and for bussines.
Then, in the same time, a decrese of expenses. Political debate is active in US congres about this two measures.
But only that two, is not sufficient. From what I seen when I went to US, is a lot to do in reducing energy consumption at basic level. More efficient and smaller (in power) cars. More efficient heater systems. When you are a landlord and offer houses for rent you are not so interested in what the renter will paid. But is a lot of room to reduce heating costs and energy consumption. Heater systems that are used, in for rent houses and apartments, are tehnological old.
Solar power, wind power, natural gas, thermal energy are solutions not only for future, but also for now.
sâmbătă, 21 mai 2011
US Debt Clock & the Limit.
According with "" , US debt subject to limit, is reaching 14.300.000.000.000 $ soon and all the bad things will come (according to press and treasury, also). Default on credit payments, unpaid social security, medical bills and school' expenses.
Probably after "cut the spending" negociations a new limit will be established.
But did really matter ?
Total personal debt is over 16,000 trillion $, debt per family 675,516 $, savings per family just 6,601 $.
Combined more than 30,000 trillion $, is an enormous and non-sustainble debt.
Economic measures are necessary now, is imperative to cut guvernamental spending, a better use of resources, more work to be done and less speculate on work done by others. Back to real economy, is the only sure bet.
From far and away, I hope to see less politics and much more responsability.
I like U US and wish U the best.
Probably after "cut the spending" negociations a new limit will be established.
But did really matter ?
Total personal debt is over 16,000 trillion $, debt per family 675,516 $, savings per family just 6,601 $.
Combined more than 30,000 trillion $, is an enormous and non-sustainble debt.
Economic measures are necessary now, is imperative to cut guvernamental spending, a better use of resources, more work to be done and less speculate on work done by others. Back to real economy, is the only sure bet.
From far and away, I hope to see less politics and much more responsability.
I like U US and wish U the best.
vineri, 20 mai 2011
Finantele si Mozila Firefox.
Statul roman prin Ministerul Finantelor Publice favorizeaza browserul Internet Explorer in detrimentul competitorilor acestuia, de exemplu Mozila Firefox.
Conform experientei mele, pana acum o luna puteam verifica starea declaratiei 112 intrand prin Mozila, incepand cu luna mai 2011, atat la depunerea online cat si la verificarea starii, ulterioara depunerii, prin browserul Mozila rezulta eroare, gen uploadul nu poate fi efectuat, sau decalratia nu a fost depusa, desi la distanta de 1 minut prin Internet Explorer declaratia apare depusa.
Favorizare pe fata din partea unui mare utilizator, statul roman a IE.
Daca adaug la aceasta si achizitia centralizata de acelasi stat de licente Microsoft, pentru toata administratia publica, in defavoarea altor competitori, sau a licentelor open source, tabloul e complet.
In calitate de simplu utilizator de internet sunt nemultumit de aceasta stare de fapt, iar in calitate de contribuabil deasemenea.
Conform experientei mele, pana acum o luna puteam verifica starea declaratiei 112 intrand prin Mozila, incepand cu luna mai 2011, atat la depunerea online cat si la verificarea starii, ulterioara depunerii, prin browserul Mozila rezulta eroare, gen uploadul nu poate fi efectuat, sau decalratia nu a fost depusa, desi la distanta de 1 minut prin Internet Explorer declaratia apare depusa.
Favorizare pe fata din partea unui mare utilizator, statul roman a IE.
Daca adaug la aceasta si achizitia centralizata de acelasi stat de licente Microsoft, pentru toata administratia publica, in defavoarea altor competitori, sau a licentelor open source, tabloul e complet.
In calitate de simplu utilizator de internet sunt nemultumit de aceasta stare de fapt, iar in calitate de contribuabil deasemenea.
marți, 17 mai 2011
Nemultumirile unui miliardar la adresa statului roman.
Vreme de 21 de ani au facut averi considerabile. Au devenit clasa miliardarilor romani. Directia in care a mers tara nu i-a interesat atata timp cat au putut sa isi vada de afaceri, si au fost clasa privilegiata a Romaniei.
Acum au inceput nemultumirile. Ultima si cea mai personala a domnului Irinel Columbeanu, care acuza institutiile statului ca nu isi fac treaba, ca nu lucreaza in binele contribuabilului. Poate are dreptate, nu stiu, nu am suficiente date, dar pana acum timp de 21 de ani, de ce nu am auzit nicio plangere la adresa institutiilor statului, pana acum au fost bune si protectoare?
Ii reprosez domnului de mai sus ca nu a folosit influenta si relatiile domniei sale pentru a reforma statul, pentru a face mai rapida atingerea standardelor normalitatii.
Atata vreme cat pana acum relatiile si influenta le-a folosit doar pentru prosperitatea personala si familiala, acum devine patetic cerand dreptate pentru toti. Daca nu avea conflictul familial, soldat cu un divort puternic mediatizat, si cu solutia care se da de obicei in astfel de cazuri, copilul revenind mamei, oare era la fel de vehement. Nu cred.
Un alt miliardar nemultumit, domnul Vantu. Pana acum a folosit echilibristica la limita legilor pentru a sfida opinia publica, si pentru a isi construi o avere considerabila. Acum este victima "sistemului corupt", a razbunarii unei singure persoane. Oare?
Mai sunt si alte figuri publice, domnul Ion Tiriac, domnul Patriciu, care puteau face mai mult in directia reformei sociale, in directia impingerii societatii spre Europa. Dar primul s-a retras intrun con de umbra dupa scandalul in care protagonist a fost fiul domniei sale, iar cel de al doilea este destul de multumit de postura de editorialist si om dim umbra. Insa sa nu uitam partidul pe care il sprijina a fost la putere, este o prezenta in Parlament, dar lasa impresia ca este multumit cu afacerile pe care le face, si atat. In paranteza este vorba de domnul Patriciu, desi aceiasi impresie o lasa si partidul/partidele de pe scena politicii locale.
Mai sunt si alti potentati locali care pot/puteau sa se implice mai mult in modernizarea tarii, dar care nu au fost interesati de acest demers.
In consecinta nemultumirile lor tardive, ma lasa rece. Poate daca ar actiona in directia amintita mai sus, as crede lacrimile lor, altfel nu.
Acum au inceput nemultumirile. Ultima si cea mai personala a domnului Irinel Columbeanu, care acuza institutiile statului ca nu isi fac treaba, ca nu lucreaza in binele contribuabilului. Poate are dreptate, nu stiu, nu am suficiente date, dar pana acum timp de 21 de ani, de ce nu am auzit nicio plangere la adresa institutiilor statului, pana acum au fost bune si protectoare?
Ii reprosez domnului de mai sus ca nu a folosit influenta si relatiile domniei sale pentru a reforma statul, pentru a face mai rapida atingerea standardelor normalitatii.
Atata vreme cat pana acum relatiile si influenta le-a folosit doar pentru prosperitatea personala si familiala, acum devine patetic cerand dreptate pentru toti. Daca nu avea conflictul familial, soldat cu un divort puternic mediatizat, si cu solutia care se da de obicei in astfel de cazuri, copilul revenind mamei, oare era la fel de vehement. Nu cred.
Un alt miliardar nemultumit, domnul Vantu. Pana acum a folosit echilibristica la limita legilor pentru a sfida opinia publica, si pentru a isi construi o avere considerabila. Acum este victima "sistemului corupt", a razbunarii unei singure persoane. Oare?
Mai sunt si alte figuri publice, domnul Ion Tiriac, domnul Patriciu, care puteau face mai mult in directia reformei sociale, in directia impingerii societatii spre Europa. Dar primul s-a retras intrun con de umbra dupa scandalul in care protagonist a fost fiul domniei sale, iar cel de al doilea este destul de multumit de postura de editorialist si om dim umbra. Insa sa nu uitam partidul pe care il sprijina a fost la putere, este o prezenta in Parlament, dar lasa impresia ca este multumit cu afacerile pe care le face, si atat. In paranteza este vorba de domnul Patriciu, desi aceiasi impresie o lasa si partidul/partidele de pe scena politicii locale.
Mai sunt si alti potentati locali care pot/puteau sa se implice mai mult in modernizarea tarii, dar care nu au fost interesati de acest demers.
In consecinta nemultumirile lor tardive, ma lasa rece. Poate daca ar actiona in directia amintita mai sus, as crede lacrimile lor, altfel nu.
duminică, 15 mai 2011
Ghinionistul Nesu.
O intrare la minge, o cadere nefericita, acum viata fotbalistului Nesu este in balanta.
Acum ceva timp am vazut interviul unui fost general american, acum in retragere, un domn la 70 de ani, care in urma cu ceva timp, recent, cazuse de la 1,5-2 metrii, direct in cap, cu aceleasi consecinte ca la Nesu.
A fost dus la spital, unde a sosit si o echipa medicala a armatei SUA, specializata in tratarea soldatilor raniti in Irak si Afganistan.
Tot ceea ce stie generalul american este ca i s-a administrat un tratament injectabil in urma caruia presiunea sanguina a crescut la cote foarte mari pentru cateva ore, ce altceva anume i s-a mai administrat nu i s-a spus. Dupa 3 luni era refacut total.
Interventia a fost foarte prompta, in stilul interventiilor facute pe front.
Sa speram ca si interventia medicilor olandezi va fi incununata de succes.
Acum ceva timp am vazut interviul unui fost general american, acum in retragere, un domn la 70 de ani, care in urma cu ceva timp, recent, cazuse de la 1,5-2 metrii, direct in cap, cu aceleasi consecinte ca la Nesu.
A fost dus la spital, unde a sosit si o echipa medicala a armatei SUA, specializata in tratarea soldatilor raniti in Irak si Afganistan.
Tot ceea ce stie generalul american este ca i s-a administrat un tratament injectabil in urma caruia presiunea sanguina a crescut la cote foarte mari pentru cateva ore, ce altceva anume i s-a mai administrat nu i s-a spus. Dupa 3 luni era refacut total.
Interventia a fost foarte prompta, in stilul interventiilor facute pe front.
Sa speram ca si interventia medicilor olandezi va fi incununata de succes.
luni, 25 aprilie 2011
SPAM multiplicat.
Inteleg faptul ca sunt multi care se lasa pacaliri de mesajele spam si trimit bani escrocilor care sunt in spatele lor, dar sunt chiar asa de naivi incat sa nu sesizeze faptul ca acelasi mesaj e trimis de expeditori diferiti. Care sunt sansele?
"Nguyen", "Rcmiller" si altii ofera aceiasi slujba bineplatita, deasemenea trimit si mesaje de la iubitoarea rusoaica Irina, iar "Royal Palace" se intrece cu "Royal Casino" pentru a oferi un bonus de 555 USD, iar daca mai astepti vine si oferta de a incasa cecul de 800.000 sau mostenirea nerevendicata de cel putin 5,3 milioane, bineinteles dolari, sau altele asemenea.
Cele mai stupide imi par acelea pe care ti le trimiti singur!!! Probabil ca trebuie sa fii super ametit daca iti trimiti singur aceste oferte si nu iti mai aduci aminte de ele.
In concluzie, evitati mesajele spam, e mai sanatos.
"Nguyen", "Rcmiller" si altii ofera aceiasi slujba bineplatita, deasemenea trimit si mesaje de la iubitoarea rusoaica Irina, iar "Royal Palace" se intrece cu "Royal Casino" pentru a oferi un bonus de 555 USD, iar daca mai astepti vine si oferta de a incasa cecul de 800.000 sau mostenirea nerevendicata de cel putin 5,3 milioane, bineinteles dolari, sau altele asemenea.
Cele mai stupide imi par acelea pe care ti le trimiti singur!!! Probabil ca trebuie sa fii super ametit daca iti trimiti singur aceste oferte si nu iti mai aduci aminte de ele.
In concluzie, evitati mesajele spam, e mai sanatos.
duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011
Blog de afaceri, de mare perspectiva.
Ai blog, ai parte de propuneri, ultimul trend constand in propuneri de afaceri. Recent pe 4 ianuarie am primit emailul de mai jos, de la "CITY MEDIA FOUNDATION" :
I found your blog FOTBAL BLOG. RECONSTITUIREA ETAPEI. on Blogger and I may have an interesting proposal for you.
I work for the CityMedia foundation ( and we are currently offering relevant bloggers from all over the world a chance to become the administrator of their city’s video site; this is why I’m contacting you.
We created the [City].vi network, making videos of world cities instinctively accessible with this address model: “city name” followed by “.vi”
For example:,,,, etc.
The address model works for 68,000 of the world’s most important cities. Think about a city and try...
The objective of the [City].vi network is to become the leading resource for local video content. Our strategy: working with relevant local bloggers.
We would be pleased you become the administrator of bucharest.viand offer internet surfers a comprehensive video selection about Bucharest.
By managing your city’s video site you earn all of the revenues made from the site: ads, professionals registrations, links...
You must also know that for a same city, we send a proposal to several bloggers.
The city’s video site is then delegated to the one who made the best offer.
This is the most efficient way for us to select site administrators who will be motivated to propose their citizens and city’s visitors a comprehensive video selection.
Come on the site, you will find the proposal in detail and the advantages to work with us and take control of your city's video site.
Thank you for your attention.
Vicki Karlin Manager, a tool by CityMedia Fdt
Ideea, sincer, imi pare de admirat, dar din lipsa de timp, fonduri si talent managerial nu i-am dat curs.
Nu conteaza la 3 saptamani dupa, primesc emailul care aproape imi confirma faptul ca, da, eu sunt cel ales. Ales fara sa candidez. Dupa cum reiese din email:
Following the many responses we received, we decided to offer to future Administrators a better way to collaborate. You are no longer asked to pay annually to ensure you stay your Site’s Administrator :
1. As a token of your motivation to develop your city’s video site, you have a certain amount to pay when you become the Administrator (This amount is available on your city’s
2. Once you are the Site Administrator, all payments made from business accounts created on your Site are used to refund your payment. Professionals pay to be listed in the business directory and buy ads display under Site’s videos (see You set your own prices, eg $10 per professional referenced.
3. Once you got your money back, then you can collect 2/3 of revenues earned from business accounts. The remaining third of the revenues will return to our foundation for the operation, development and promotion of the network.
In addition, you can earn extra income by posting promotional videos (eg for hotels and restaurants) and also by referencing other sites on the links page.
The purpose of your Site is to become the first Site on which your fellow citizens rely on to keep them informed of what's happening around them. It will be necessary you get your Site up to date and cover as effectively as possible all the information of public interest related to your city. But rest assured our goal is to support you in this task and to advise you.
These changes are the guarantee of our shared success and will bring you more serenity in the management of your Site.
These changes also mean that the delegation of the sites now works on a First come, first served basis. Be quick to visit your city’s site...
Best regards,
Vicki Karlin Manager, a tool by CityMedia Fdt
Follow this link, if you no longer wish to receive information from us.
Trebuie doar sa vizitez situl si sa fac plata solicitata.
Nu cred ca aceste emailuri sunt escrocherii, gen scrisoarea nigeriana, dar nu sunt nicio o formula de succes instantaneu, riscul de a pierde bani este considerabil.
La noi guvernul incearca sa faca ceva similar, e-Romania, partea de e-turism si nu reuseste, investitia fiind greu de acoperit.
I found your blog FOTBAL BLOG. RECONSTITUIREA ETAPEI. on Blogger and I may have an interesting proposal for you.
I work for the CityMedia foundation ( and we are currently offering relevant bloggers from all over the world a chance to become the administrator of their city’s video site; this is why I’m contacting you.
We created the [City].vi network, making videos of world cities instinctively accessible with this address model: “city name” followed by “.vi”
For example:,,,, etc.
The address model works for 68,000 of the world’s most important cities. Think about a city and try...
The objective of the [City].vi network is to become the leading resource for local video content. Our strategy: working with relevant local bloggers.
We would be pleased you become the administrator of bucharest.viand offer internet surfers a comprehensive video selection about Bucharest.
By managing your city’s video site you earn all of the revenues made from the site: ads, professionals registrations, links...
You must also know that for a same city, we send a proposal to several bloggers.
The city’s video site is then delegated to the one who made the best offer.
This is the most efficient way for us to select site administrators who will be motivated to propose their citizens and city’s visitors a comprehensive video selection.
Come on the site, you will find the proposal in detail and the advantages to work with us and take control of your city's video site.
Thank you for your attention.
Vicki Karlin Manager, a tool by CityMedia Fdt
Ideea, sincer, imi pare de admirat, dar din lipsa de timp, fonduri si talent managerial nu i-am dat curs.
Nu conteaza la 3 saptamani dupa, primesc emailul care aproape imi confirma faptul ca, da, eu sunt cel ales. Ales fara sa candidez. Dupa cum reiese din email:
Following the many responses we received, we decided to offer to future Administrators a better way to collaborate. You are no longer asked to pay annually to ensure you stay your Site’s Administrator :
1. As a token of your motivation to develop your city’s video site, you have a certain amount to pay when you become the Administrator (This amount is available on your city’s
2. Once you are the Site Administrator, all payments made from business accounts created on your Site are used to refund your payment. Professionals pay to be listed in the business directory and buy ads display under Site’s videos (see You set your own prices, eg $10 per professional referenced.
3. Once you got your money back, then you can collect 2/3 of revenues earned from business accounts. The remaining third of the revenues will return to our foundation for the operation, development and promotion of the network.
In addition, you can earn extra income by posting promotional videos (eg for hotels and restaurants) and also by referencing other sites on the links page.
The purpose of your Site is to become the first Site on which your fellow citizens rely on to keep them informed of what's happening around them. It will be necessary you get your Site up to date and cover as effectively as possible all the information of public interest related to your city. But rest assured our goal is to support you in this task and to advise you.
These changes are the guarantee of our shared success and will bring you more serenity in the management of your Site.
These changes also mean that the delegation of the sites now works on a First come, first served basis. Be quick to visit your city’s site...
Best regards,
Vicki Karlin Manager, a tool by CityMedia Fdt
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