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duminică, 30 noiembrie 2008

Romania in presa internationala 5

Azi numai despre alegeri si criza economica.

Sursa: Easy Bourse.
Romanians Go To The Polls To Elect A New Parliament

Sunday November 30th, 2008 / 12h09

BUCHAREST (AFP)--Romanians were voting for a new parliament Sunday, with the leftist Social Democrats and the right-wing Liberal Democrats battling it out ahead of Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu's Liberals. Voter participation three hours after polls opened at 700 am (0500 GMT) was about 4.87%, according to preliminary figures. Observers predicted the participation rate would be low, as the 18 million eligible voters in this new European Union member have become disillusioned with politics and politicians. The vote also comes on the eve of a national holiday, and thus in the middle of a long weekend, which could keep people away from the polls. The latest opinion polls forecast that voter participation wouldn't surpass 45%.

Sunday November 30th, 2008 / 12h09
Source : Dowjones Business News

Primul comentariu gasit in jurnalul Bursei pariziene, prevede prezenta redusa la vot cauzata de deziluzia alegatorilor si de faptul ca avem un weekend prelungit. Da, de 1 Decembrie.

Yahoo News preia de la Reuters:
Romanians vote in shadow of financial crisis
Sun Nov 30, 5:20 AM By Radu Marinas
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanians voted on Sunday in a parliamentary election that will determine both its response to the global financial crisis and the fate of judicial reforms, which have stalled since it joined the European Union last year.
Opinion polls show a close race between two opposition parties, the ex-communist Social Democrats (PSD) and centrist Democrat Liberal Party (PD-L), which has close links with President Traian Basescu.

Tot despre alegeri, criza si ce ne vor aduce alegerile, directia de urmat in combaterea crizei si in reforma justitiei, care a stagnat dupa aderarea la UE.
Cursa stransa intre PSD si PD-L.

Deci cam acestea sunt subiectele de interes azi, e duminica sunt alegeri criza nu a disparut, sa vedem ce va fi dupa orele 20.00, cine va conduce tara in urmatorii 4 ani. Este posibil san u stim chiar asa de repede, dar in mod sigur vom afla pe parcursul saptamanii viitoare.

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