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marți, 25 noiembrie 2008

Romania in media de afaceri internationala.

Incerc sa redau mai jos, cum ne vad ceilalti, in presa de afaceri, pentru a putea citi articolele gogle it.
Sursa: Southeast European Times
Aero-Romania - Spatial Research and Development
The Romanian government has approved the creation of a National Institute for Aero-Spatial Research and Development. The Elie Carafoli Institute is the first of its kind in the country, according to the education, research and youth ministry on November 14th. The institute will focus on scientific research and technological development in aeronautics and space sciences.

Deschiderea unui nou institut de cercetari care sa analizeze miscarea browniana a fluidelor in spatiu nu poate fi decat o veste buna, doar avem excedent bugetar, bugetul de pensii e sus de tot, de ce sa nu cheltuim si mai mult pe lucruri inutile, cel putin acum in perioada de criza si recesiune.
Daca am trimis un om in cosmos, trebuie sa ne focusam pe cercetarea stiintifica si dezvoltarea tehnologica in domeniul stiintelor spatiale si al aeronauticii, nu?

Sursa: ABC News
Richer Romanians Still Worry About Basics
By Justyna Pawlak; November 25, 2008
BUMBESTI-JIU, Romania (Reuters) - After Pirelli turned parts of Bumbesti-Jiu's crumbling industrial zone into a new factory last year, residents of this small town in southwestern Romania hoped the lean years were over........
Hundreds of large retailers have sprung up across Romania in the last years, attesting to the rising purchasing power of the country's 22 million inhabitants and a budding middle class......
Since a coalition of centrist reformists led by Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu took power four years ago, the size of Romania's economy has doubled and gross domestic product per capita rose to 5,650 euros from 2,400 in 2003........
"The last four years were very significant for Romania, because for the first time in a long time there was hope," said sociologist Bogdan Teodorescu.
But with average monthly pay still at 340 euros, a fraction of EU levels, and hundreds of thousands of pensioners living on less than a 100 euros a month, poverty is rampant, particularly in rural areas where most homes still lack indoor toilets.
Bridging that gap has become the mantra of the election.
"If I have a single regret, it's that I didn't succeed in raising pensions even more," Tariceanu said on his campaign website (

Cred ca titlul nu va indus in eroare, bogatii romani care au nelinisti metafizice legate de bazele economiei sunt oamenii politici, aflati intamplator in plina campanie electorala.
Altfel autoarea articolului identifica corect aportul investitiilor straine la cresterea economica, explozia centrelor comerciale, decalajul intre veniturile noastre si veniturile lor, precum si drama pensionarilor romani.

Sursa: NOVINITE. Sofia News Agency
Romania to Complete Bucharest-Danube Canal in 2014
25 November 2008, Tuesday
Romania is unfreezing the work on the construction of the canal projected to connect its capital Bucharest with the Danube River, the Romanian media reported Tuesday.
By the middle of 2010 the Romanian government is going to select the company to construct the canal, which is supposed to be completed in 2014.
The construction of the Bucharest-Danube Canal began in 1987, and by December 1989 about 70% of it were completed. After 1989, however, the construction was stopped, and in 1994 it was officially frozen.
The completion of the canal is expected to cost about EUR 250 M. The canal will allow the transportation of 20 million tons of goods per year, and the irrigation of over 150 000 hectares of agricultural land.

250 de milioane de euro nici nu pare o suma mare, chiar si la vremuri de criza, problema este ca ne aflam in campanie electorala, da, si acum e timpul promisiunilor, sincer daca se face un referendum eu votez pentru continuarea investitiei.

Wall Street Journal: Bulgaria, Romania Threatened by Financial Crisis Shock
25 November 2008, Tuesday

Bulgaria and Romania together with the other fast-growing economies in the Balkans are threatened by recession and mass unemployment, according to a Tuesday's article in the Wall Street Journal.
The leading US financial newspaper points out that the Balkan region would not be able to escape from the consequences of the global financial crisis.

Chiar daca nu ne place sa ni se strice sarbatorile cu predictii de Casandra, anul 2009 va fi greu de trecut, deja sunt semne, fabrici inchise temporar, vezi si mai jos, planuri la Dacia pentru reduceri de personal, nici Mittal nu se simte prea confortabil, scaderi in vanzari, viitorul nu suna bine.

Sursa: EIN
Michelin temporarily closes Romanian factories….
Cele doua fabrici inchise de Michelin in perioada 12-31.12.2008 sunt cele din Zalau, dar se anunta si inchiderea unei fabrici la Rouen in Franta in perioada 15.12.2008-02.01.2009, iar in septembrie se planifica inchiderea definitiva a unei fabrici in Mexic,

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